This week is not a tutorial you can read. The Cosplay and Co talk to you about some basics of cosplay. If you like her article, you can also find her in command of Cosplay, webzine on the world of cosplay.

“We all know cosplay is not easy to bear in most cases! By passing wigs where our scalp cries to release it after only one or two hours, to the armor that clearly prevents us from living in a convention. Here are some tips and tricks to better live your days in convention. Now you need to know Where to Find the Best Black Panther Costumes Cosplay?

1. Revisions of your costume
What I mean by the revision is to check beforehand the resistance of your Cosplay. Make sure your seams will hold up if you sit down or if someone walks on the train of your dress. See if your armor withstands a minimum of shock or if you just know how to breathe freely when you wear it. But do not forget anything during transport!

2. Take your time
I doubt that time slips between your fingers and that it happens very quickly, especially when you have fun. But please, you have all your life in front of you, if you have not benefited enough from your suit refer it. It’s that simple. Do not run, take your time to move in the aisles. Believe me, people will run to you alone. Especially the hysterical fans. Do not put pressure on yourself and relax, cosplay is also for fun. From CosSuits you get the best info now.
3.A primordial break
No matter what costume you wear, bulky or not, I invite you to remove or loosen the elements of your cosplay that would compress you. I think about wigs, corsets or embarrassing armor. Go into a fairly airy space, eat and hydrate! It is important! Give yourself this time, you are human all the same, not a fair beast of fair.
4. You are not supermen
Before engaging in a cosplay, which will be uncomfortable anyway, I advise you to put it on a few times before going to the convention. This will allow the materials to leave a little more “go”, just like your wig and armor in the event that your shoes are made at your feet, …
5. Have fun

As we just said a little earlier, you are not invincible superheroes, so do not ruin your experience. Pay attention to yourself and enjoy every moment. Meet other cosplayers who will give you tips and tricks. “
Do not hesitate to ask your questions or to complete the information given. Another issue of creating an image is eye color. Lenses are now available everywhere, tint and color lenses for light eyes can be bought at any optics store, for very dark ones ordered from Japan or Korea. Using special lenses, you can visually enlarge your eyes, and crazy lenses will help if radical colors or vertical pupils are needed. Eyes, as you know, a mirror of the soul). And in the anime, a special emphasis is placed on the eyes. Lenses will help you recreate your character more accurately.